Welcome to the latest Newsletter from Bedminster BID
BID Five Year Planning and Renewal
As you may already be aware, our BID has a lifespan of five years. This period will come to an end in Spring 2018. In order to continue the good work we have started and to help ensure a healthy future for Bedminster businesses we need to go through a second ballot process (the initial BID was set after an 85% positive ballot in 2013).
To start the process we are first seeking to gather as much feedback as possible from businesses regarding the activities you would like to see the BID pursuing. Ideally, we would love to speak to you at one of our upcoming consultation events. Alternatively, have a read and fill out the form remotely. Here
New Website
Following the merger of the BID and Town Team we have decided it is better, simpler and cheaper to just run one website. Hopefully you've all seen the new and improved website by now. If not, it's bedminster.org.uk. It's much improved on our last effort and ties in nicely with the new logo. Please let us know what you think and feel free to forward any content to be added.
As well as being customer-facing, business users can now find what they need under the 'Business' link.
In addition, our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram profiles continue to grow. These platforms are a great way to promote your business so please let us know if there is anything you would like us to add.
Calendar of Events
We have a great number of events coming up that we are either running directly or backing with local partners. All are designed to attract new customers to our retail streets and/or encourage more loyalty and frequency with existing shoppers.
Street art tours - Ongoing
Window Wanderland Displays - February 24
Breakfast in Bedminster April 22 – Saturday
Comedians on the RunMay 18 – Thursday
Buskers on North St - Thru Summer Months
Upfest July 29 w/e
World of Bedminster Month of August
World of Bedminster - Meal August 20 – Sunday
World Music on the Run August tbc
North St Fair - September tbc
Skills Week - September tbc
Magicians on the Run - November tbc
Breakfast in Bedminster II - November 4th tbc
Poppies on bollards etcNovember 1-14th
Christmas Lights December
Winter Lantern Parade December tbc
If you wish to get involved in any event in particular please do get in touch. Contact beryl@weareplaster (the BID’s retained marketing and PR advisers).
Current Events
Breakfast in Bedminster returned in late April to a great response. Around 20 venues were involved, some showing films while others had themed events bases around popular movies.
Next up is Comedians on the Run on Thursday May 18th. 20 comics are already booked in for a night of fun and frolics in bars and restaurants across Bedminster. If you wish to be involved please get in touch with Tom at markets@bedminster.org.uk.
World of Bedmo
We have secured a grant of £10,000 from the Big Lottery Fund to celebrate all that is Bedminster. Ideas are still forming but so far...
- A month of activities promoting the cultural aspects of Bedminster (August)
- World Music On The Run (Wednesday 2nd August)
- 500 Meals Event (Sunday 20th August)
We will also:
- Ask cafes and restaurants to add a ‘special’ dish to their menus through August to celebrate the World of Bedmo and possibly use these dishes to create ‘World of Bedmo’ recipes to place in regional lifestyle and food magazines
- Ask shops/cafes to raise awareness of ‘World of Bedmo’ through workshops or classes
- Plan a programme of events could marketed as part of ‘World of Bedmo’
The 500 Meals Event – Sunday 23 August
This will be held on North Street (Between The Steam Crane and The Old Bookshop). The ideas include:
- 250 foot long picnic bench along North Street with board games from around the world
- Hay bales set up to create additional informal seating areas and a theatre style seating for performances from local groups/clubs
- Local restaurants and cafes invited to serve takeaway food from pop-ups along the street or from their venues
- 500 meals given away
- 200 tickets to be divided between community and volunteer groups within Bedminster and surrounding areas
- 100 to be given away on the day
- 50 tickets to be distributed amongst larger communities in Bedminster i.e. Polish, Spanish
- 5 tickets each to be given to 30 retailers outside of North, East & West Street to be passed onto customers (focused on industrial BID members, Malago way etc)
- Meal vouchers can be redeemed from traders on the day. Their costs will be covered by the Meal Subsidy included in the budget
- Entertainment: Music and comedy stage, open theatre, buskers, craft activities and games from around the world.
- Other entertainment: Invite worldly/diverse workshops that take place in Bedminster to come along to do a demonstration and introduce the event to the neighbourhood
If you have any ideas to add or would like to get involved please contact Tom or Beryl.
Built Environment News
There is quite a lot going on so here’s the potted summary:
- Residents Parking Zone – the review by the council has been completed. We are, however, still awaiting publication of their recommendations and next steps.
- MetroBus – the works have started already and will continue over the coming months. Please see the advice below of our business rates adviser partners.
- New developments
- We understand St Catherine’s Place is in the process of being sold. Once completed, work will commence on the 200 new apartments immediately adjacent to East Street, creating very significant fresh demand.
- Factory1 (the former Lloyds office adjacent to Asda) – contractors are now on site and we hope that within 2 years the building will be largely occupied, again by nearly 200 new apartments, all bringing fresh demand to the area.
- Bedminster Green is the ambitious redevelopment of much of the industrial property between East Street and Windmill Hill including the upgrading of the train station. We understand that an announcement of a far reaching agreement between local developers Urbis and the council that will enable matters is imminent.
- Motaman on Bedminster Parade is closing down to be redeveloped into nine new apartments and a new shop.
If you require any further information regarding any of the above please do get in touch.
Business Rates Reduction for Metrobus Distruptions
With Metrobus works coming to Bedminster keep an eye on your sales levels. If you see a 10% or greater drop compared with last year and believe it caused by the works then you could be in for a refund. You must apply to the Valuation Office Agency while the works are ongoing at www.voa.gov.uk and of course have evidence to prove your case. They don't make it easy and there is quite a lot of bureaucracy to wade through however it may well be worth it.
If you don't wish to do the application yourself then of course you can appoint a rates specialist. There are many around however the BID has agreed preferred supplier status with Colliers based on their professionalism and willingness to recognise a discounted fee structure for Bedminster BID businesses.
Colliers have worked with the BID for nearly four years, saving over £26,000 for occupiers in that time. Also you will of course have received the new rate bill which came into force on the 1st April. This bill contains your new rateable value (RV); the first time a revaluation has taken place in seven years. Briefly Colliers inform us that North Street is a mixed bag ranging from a decrease of 4% to an increase of 240% in RV. East Street has seen a range of between a decrease of 14% and an increase of 17%.
Colliers can offer professional advice on your rateable value including a measured inspection and ongoing advice on a transparent no-win, no-fee basis. If you would like advice regarding business rates, please contact Dan Johnstone on 0117 917 2059 or Daniel.johnstone@colliers.com.
About the Business Improvement District
Bedminster BID funding is generated via a small levy on all eligible businesses in the area (equivalent to 1.5% of rateable value) and paid into a central 'kitty' in November each year, to be spent on projects that benefit Bedminster businesses. Our stated priorities are to:
- Create vibrant streets that excite and delight
- Market and promote Bedminster
- Reduce crime and improve the shopping environment
- Advocate and lobby for Bedminster business interests
- Drive down costs
Please get in touch if you have any ideas about what we should do. Or, if you wish to attend a board meeting or one of our specialist sub-groups in Marketing, Arts & Culture or Built Environment (ie transport, planning and street improvement), please see our calendar here and drop us a line.
Further Information
Business to business news: www.bedminstertownteam.org
Customer facing website and social media:
George Grace - george@bedminster.org.uk
om Beard - markets@bedminster.org.uk
Simon Dicken (Wilko) - man242@wilko.co.uk
Ben Barker (GBCP) - benbarker@blueyonder.co.uk
We are grateful to local accountants Tyrrell Procter and communications experts Plaster for their generous pro bono contributions to our activities.