We are pleased to be able to report that the new grant scheme specifically for East Street is now open for applications of up to £10,000 for new businesses or £10,000 for landlords of vacant premises.
Full details may be found at www.bedminster.org.uk/loveourhighstreet but in summary the scheme is funded by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) through its Love Our High Streets project, to regenerate currently underused shops, cafes, artists studios and offices in East Street, Cannon Street and Bedminster Parade. The aim is to bring new types of uses into the area, thereby strengthening and diversifying the current offer. Applications are open to small existing businesses seeking to grow, new business start-ups or existing landlords with vacant premises that require refurbishment.
Applications are assessed on merit, job creation and the applicants own investment into the business. Applications for funding will be considered on a first come first serve basis. Central to our application process is a good business plan. You may have a sound business plan already if not there are numerous templates and free examples online.
In the first instant please review the guidance notes here www.bedminster.org.uk/loveourhighstreet which set out all you need to make an application, or if you need to speak to someone then please do contact us as follows:
South Bristol Enquiries: (i.e. residents) contact the YTKO team through southbristol@ytko.com or call 0800 917 9324, referencing the Love Our High Streets scheme in your enquiry.
All other Enquiries (ie not south Bristol residents): George Grace at Bedminster BID, business@bedminster.org.uk, 07801790645
The government announced today a new package of support for jobs and businesses.
open businesses which are experiencing considerable difficulty will be given extra help to keep staff on as government significantly increases contribution to wage costs under the Job Support Scheme, and business contributions drop to 5%
business grants are expanded to cover businesses in particularly affected sectors in high-alert level areas, helping them stay afloat and protecting jobs
grants for the self-employed doubled to 40% of previous earnings
More information can be found here: