John Lewis and other major retailers are reporting extraordinary 60-70% growth in online sales during covid - its clearly now time everyone was selling online.
If you have not had a chance yet, please check out the FREE e-commerce online sales platform launched by the BID for Bedminster businesses:
Its very easy to sell online as you will have full technical back up courtesy of our tech partners and everything can be managed through your mobile phone. In addition to collaborating around sales by encouraging as many of Bedminster’s businesses online in a single website presence, we are also launching a collaborative deliveries scheme to help businesses not to just sell more but also to save money. All of this is of course supported by the BID’s social media marketing platforms that helped us launch with substantial sales of over £40K without spending any money on advertising.
To get online quickly, easily and for free - please click here.
There are many benefits - below - or if you wish to discuss matters first then please contact us via email or call us - see below.
WEAREBS3 Benefits
Comprehensive Ecommerce solution supporting sales, collections and deliveries
Catalysing impulses purchases for and from business neighbours – just like a high street!
Unlimited number of products and orders
Comprehensive back end app for traders including product management, route planning, collection and delivery slot logic and order management
Low cost – with BID financial support and economies of scale the platform is very affordable
Technical support in set up and ongoing – including security and upgrades of the platform and all running and hosting costs
The Small Business Discretionary Grants phase two – round two of the Discretionary Grant has been extended by the council until midnight Sunday, 19 July 2020. The council have only received just over 150 applications during round two, and believe many more businesses in the city could benefit from the grants, they’re extending the deadline to ensure they can support as many businesses as possible. Businesses are still strongly encouraged to review the application form as soon as possible to ensure they can submit evidence of how a loan would support them within the extended deadline. Please see the application form and share with local businesses with 49 or fewer employees. Further information on eligibility is available on our website.
If you are interested in becoming more closely involved with the BID, we are an informal, friendly group, whose basic duties are to direct spending for the BID and Town Team. The BID Board meets 6pm on the first Tuesday of each month online. Please do get in touch if you'd like to get involved.
Alternatively a marketing (and arts, culture) group meets on the last Monday of every month also at 6pm and a Built Environment Group on the first Tuesday monthly at 4pm - also online. Alternatively if you prefer drop us a line or telephone us for a chat to discuss any ideas you have that you think the BID should be pursuing.
About the Business Improvement District
Bedminster BID funding is generated via a small levy on all eligible businesses in the area and paid into a central 'kitty' in November each year, to be spent on projects that benefit Bedminster businesses.
Our stated priorities are to:
Create vibrant streets that excite and delight
Market and promote Bedminster
Reduce crime and improve the shopping environment
Advocate and lobby for Bedminster business interests
Drive down costs
Further Information
Business to business news:
Customer facing website and social media (these streams are owned by the BID and open for your use to announce items of interest to the local customer base - please get in touch if you have anything you wish to share):
George Grace -
Simon Dicken (Wilko) -
Stef Brammar (AGB) -
We are grateful to local accountants Tyrrell Procter and communications experts Plaster for their generous pro bono contributions to our activities.