Good Morning - Welcome to our First Newsletter of 2022
Let’s get straight to it – roadworks on Dalby/Malago. They came as a surprise to all of us with a disappointing level of notice from the council. However, having had a chance to review we are of the view that given only around 16% of people arrive by car, with half of those coming from a different direction than the roadworks, the impact should not be too bad. This has been borne out by the footfall counters installed last year which show an increase in footfall last week (10th-16th Jan) compared to the previous week (the roadworks commenced on 10th). Whilst the footfall counters are on East Street they are probably indicative of all Bedminster shopping locations. More details attached.
Whilst we are hopeful these roadworks will not impact too heavily we are not resting on our laurels and have written to the Mayor and council cabinet members to find out why the works will take over two years and seek funding to communicate further the fact that surrounding car parks and accessibility generally is still good. We will continue to monitor footfall and if it falls significantly we will look at further initiatives.
Street Meetings
Most years we ask each shopping street in the BID area to meet separately to discuss ideas around marketing, events, street improvements etc that the BID should pursue for those areas. Meetings have been set up as follows and we hope many of you can make it and bring some ideas
East St Tuesday 25th at 6.15pm at Cheekies
North Street (Upper - from The Spotted Cow to Marks Bread): Thursday 27th Jan, 6pm at the Hen & Chicken
North Street (Lower - from Spotted Cow to Steam Crane): Tuesday 1st February, 6pm at KASK
West Street - please email Stef your ideas -
Whilst clearly it has been an appalling two years for high street businesses given covid and the growing impact of the internet, we are hopeful for a very good year in terms of BID activities to help generate footfall, as we have secured substantial additional funding from various central government and regional grant pots to be spent on piloting the East Street Vision, wider street improvements and events.
Also, the impact of the new developments on Bedminster Green should already be being felt with Factory1 substantially occupied and the developments of Little Paradise and former Argos commencing, meaning nearly 200 local construction workers in the area for the next two years.
Please Get Involved
If you are interested in becoming more closely involved with the BID, we are an informal, friendly group, whose basic duties are to direct spending for the BID and Town Team. The BID Board meets 6.15pm on the second Tuesday of each month. Please do get in touch if you'd like to get involved.
Alternatively, a marketing (and arts, culture) group meets on the first Monday of every month at 6pm and a Built Environment Group intermittently. Alternatively, if you prefer drop us a line or telephone us for a chat to discuss any ideas you have that you think the BID should be pursuing.
About the Business Improvement District
Bedminster BID funding is generated via a small levy on all eligible businesses in the area and paid into a central 'kitty' in November each year, to be spent on projects that benefit Bedminster businesses. We also seek out further funding from local and national government.
Our stated priorities are to:
Create vibrant streets that excite and delight
Market and promote Bedminster
Reduce crime and improve the shopping environment
Advocate and lobby for Bedminster business interests
Drive down costs
Further Information
Business to business news:
Customer facing website and social media:
George Grace -
Simon Dicken (Wilko) -
Stef Brammar (AGB) -