Good Afternoon
Please find below an update regarding:
Business rates discounts - click here for further business rates support from the council (you have to apply! - this does not come automatically)
BID Engagement Support Role - if you know of anyone that maybe interested in working with the BID and local businesses please direct them to here
Good housekeeping - report flytipping to the council by visiting here. The more of us that report these things the better the prospect of them being dealt with so please do use this weblink.
New programs - we announced these in May - funding is still available for
Shutters Program - The BID has set aside funding to help businesses paint shutters with art to improve appearances in the evening in particular. If you are interested in the programme please email with your business name and address.
Building Decoration Programme - The BID has set aside match funding for businesses (or landlords) to cover 50% of the cost of repainting masonry walls. We aim to put together a list of at least ten of the most unsightly buildings in the area and have them repainted on a single contract in order to gain some economies of scale before the end of summer. Please email if you wish to be considered for this.
Greening Programmes - the BID is launching two new greening programmes. Planters (mainly for wide pavements) and hanging baskets (mainly for narrow pavements).
Planters – as these require permissions from the city council we wish to do this in a batch order that will also enable some economies of scale. If you would like to be part of this programme you will need a pavement at least 2m wide (a minimum 1.5m must be left for pedestrians plus allow c0.5m minimum for a planter). We envisage long thin low level planters that would sit in front of shop windows and be planted in order to complement and not obstruct the shop window. Please do get in touch as soon as possible if you wish to be part of this programme.
Hanging Baskets – as many shops will not have a 2m pavement as an alternative we are proposing hanging baskets. As we are too late for this year’s summer planting this programme will be launched later (however we wanted everyone to know that we are seeking to cater for businesses with narrow pavements. Please do get in touch if you’d like to be part of this for Spring next year.
Green Walls – if you have other ideas beyond hanging baskets and planters that you believe will improve the aesthetics of the area then please let us know.
Priority will be given to programmes/buildings that optimise improvements for the wider street and area.
Please email if you are interested in any of these.
Attend a meeting? Become a director or Street Representative? There are vacancies for more BID directors so please do get in touch or come along to a meeting if you think this is for you. Alternatively attend a marketing meeting or think about becoming a Street Representative for your area.
BID Street Representatives Role - It is recognised some people do not have the time or inclination to be a BID director. As such the BID is seeking businesses to volunteer to be street representatives and take a special interest progressing ideas and improvements in a particular street or part of street.
Street reps would be asked to follow closely the various meetings, minutes etc of the BID and ideally attend some meetings; share current activities with neighbouring businesses and generate feedback.
If you require further information on anything at all then please remember all meeting papers and reports are available online at
Alternatively, come to a meeting. We currently have regular monthly meetings as follows:
· Marketing - first Monday’s 6pm
· Board – second Tuesdays 6pm
· East Street Now! – first Wednesdays 10am
Bedminster BID funding is generated via a small levy on all eligible businesses in the area and paid into a central 'kitty' in November each year to be spent on projects that benefit Bedminster businesses.
· Create vibrant streets that excite and delight
· Market and promote Bedminster
· Reduce crime and improve the shopping environment
· Advocate and lobby for Bedminster business interests
· Drive down costs
Business to business news:
Customer-facing website and social media:
George Grace -, 07801790645
Simon Dicken (Wilko) -
Stef Brammar (AGB) -
We are most grateful to local accountants Tyrrell Procter and communications experts Plaster for their generous pro bono contributions to our activities.