Good Morning
Clearly there has been a major announcement affecting high streets – with government publishing a clear timetable for shops reopening click here. Detailed guidance is still to be released but in summary “from the 15th of June, we intend to allow all other non-essential retail, ranging from department stores to small independent shops, to reopen”.
The BID will hosted an online digital meeting last night. If you are interested in attending and contributing please send us an email and we will send you the joining details for future meetings which are usually last Monday’s of the month at 6pm. Alternatively drop us a line with your ideas.
Last night we discussed and agreed our focus should be:
WEAREBS3 - ie the new ecommerce site that is free for all BID businesses. We are investing in futher photography material, looking at finessing the brand throught the website, spending some money on social media advertising and will seek to get more businesses online from East and West Streets.
General marketing comms ideas in the coming months will entail Father's Day, campsites and picnicing (in Ashton Court for example), shared baskets for picnicing and days out on/near retail streets, ‘staycation’ spending, ;getting ready for summer, home craft competitions (and fails!), trails (gnomes - ie Gnomeminster(?!), and finally possibly a close the road party - perhaps at end of summer.
Christmas - yes it is coming and we have to start planning soon!
Emerging trends
Our thinking above is driven by the themes emerging from research into people’s attitudes to shopping today in the UK:
we have missed our friends more than the ability to shop (going out to a restaurant is missed most, combined with meeting friends for a coffee
we have a greater affection for our local area and want to support local business more
to cater for this we want a cleaner, greener outdoor environment with more outdoor seating
over 2/3 of people feel more part of and a pride in their community
2/3 agree they will use more contactless payment, less cash with half saying they will spend less time in shops and will meet outside to maintain social distancing (the sentiment for these statements is very high)
nearly ¾ of people want an increase in cleaning whilst all respondents want more outdoor seating and greening (Full survey available here)
In other research (IpsosMori) found nearly 2/3 of people uncomfortable with the idea of going to bars and restaurants. Thus there is a conflict between what people miss most and their concerns about acting on those impulses once the lockdown is relaxed. Clearly there is an opportunity for high streets to make operations safer post lockdown.
As reported the BID’s main focus since the lockdown is to provide a high quality Ecommerce option for businesses enabling them sell more and collaborate on deliveries. Please see:
…and get in touch if you wish to trade on the site – there is no charge for BID members.
Meanwhile we have also been continuing to communicate day to day stories via our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds reminding everyone that the high street is still there and where possible to support local either via the new online offer or by visiting. Please let us know if there is anything at all about your buisness you wis to communicate with our many 000’s of followers.
Finally new business grants – we reported recently securing a £150K grant pot to subsidise new businesses considering locating on East Street. In the current circumstances this has been delayed but we hope will return and launch in the summer and clearly will be a significant boost to fill empty premises that were already quite plentiful on East Street prior to the lockdown.
We were delighted to hear a presentation by the developers of Little Paradise at our last meeting. Part of their development obligations include the building of a multi story car park on the existing surface level car park. We think this is excellent news for East Street increasing significantly the car access immediately adjacent. In addition the 300 new appartments a mere 30 seconds walk from East Street will provide substantial new demand for shops. Full details of the scheme may be found here
We are also approaching the final stages of the East Street Visioning exercise - - and will circulate a report shortly. We raised £60,000 from local developers and the council to run this exercise which will culminate in a detailed vision and costed plan that will enable us to put a very strong offer forward for funding form central government pots such as Future High Street Fund (now worth nearly £1bn) and new transport funding worth £2bn. We believe that whilst currently things are bleak, in the longer term given the amount of residential development emerging locally and these initiatives combined will ensure a more positive outlook for East Street.
Church Road Pocket Park – ie opposite East Street Fruit and Veg. This has been delayed for obvious reasons and will finally be installed next month and improve greatly the look and feel of this part of East Street. The costs are largely covered by a £15,000 grant the BID secured last year from central government.
We are informed that the council’s ‘Regulatory Services (RS)’ are visiting main high streets/local centres disseminating guidance/offering advice (have visited East St, Gloucester Rd, Fishponds, Stapleton Road and various other premises). This includes posters, mailshots etc. The primary aim is ensuring social distancing measures in/around shop units as much as possible (where possible one-way systems work best). The council do not anticipate enforcement regarding installation of screens in premises (around tills etc), but recommend doing so
- Nominal timeframes - assuming no increase in infection rate etc:
- 1 June: Non-essential retail
- 4 July: some hospitality that accommodate social distancing (licenced premises with beer gardens for example)
- Further openings anticipated by August, and by September most businesses hopefully open
Road closures/lifting of parking restrictions/relaxation of licensing regs etc - the main stream press have reported acceleration of various shcemes to support the end of lockdown across the city. Changes have been announced on Bedminster Parade (the Factory 1 section) and possible suspension of some car parking bays in North Street. We await more details. We are also seeking the opportunity to introduce wider pavements on East Street.
Extended Grant Scheme – Government announced an extension of the grant scheme – We are in touch with the council who inform us they will provide details at
£10,000 Grants for High Street Businesses - we are informed some businesses have still not claimed their £10,000. There are few strings attached to this and so if you have not applied for you grant please do make sure you start the process – please go to
COVID News from Central Government
Official guidance to help employers, employees and the self-employed understand how to work safely during the coronavirus pandemic - the UK Government is hosting a series of webinars from Wednesday 27 May covering the range of different types of workplace settings which are allowed to be open, including: factories/warehouses; restaurants offering takeaway/delivery; shops/branches; vehicles; construction/outdoor work; research facilities; offices/contact centres; and homes. Many businesses operate more than one type of workplace so you may need to use more than one of the guides/webinars as you think through what you need to do to keep people safe; further details of the webinars here.
Bounce Back Loans - Britain’s small businesses are able to apply for quick and easy-to access loans of up to £50,000– with the cash expected to land within days. See
Finally, PPE - there are now many suppliers out there as you prepare to reopen safely. wanted to flag an organisation that help people that need PPE find certified quality products, at the best price, as quickly as possible and from multiple verified sources.