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Window Wanderland

WW PR photo 4 x 3 windows.jpeg

Window Wanderland is making a comeback in 2018 and we hope as many houses, shops, schools and community buildings as possible join in and decorate their windows.

The next Window Wanderland event in Ashton, Bedminster and Southville is all set take place from Friday, February 23 to Sunday, 25.  

A free map sponsored by the Bristol Waste Company and other local organisations will be published showing the main areas to visit.   We expect this to be available from about mid-February.   We’ll leave these in community centres, key restaurants and other public places for you to pick up.   Or, you can just take pot luck, explore your local streets and see what you stumble across.

If you want your house etc to be on the map, please register asap on the website .   But, even if you miss the deadline for the map, you can still decorate your window and surprise your neighbours. 

Email with any enquiries.

For news about other Window Wanderland events in Bristol and around the UK go to their facebook page or twitter @windowwander #wwbs3


Earlier Event: January 30
Blood & Butchery in Bedminster
Later Event: September 12
Henry V @ Tobacco Factory Theatre