Independent Design Collective



You may have noticed this newest addition to North Street, Independent Design Collective, a really great craft based gift shop and we'd urge you all to pop in and check it out.

Founded by Chitra Tarling, who is also a designer and director of Karve Design. IDC have a simple philosophy; to make beautiful handmade products at affordable prices, creating unique items and to recycle and reuse materials wherever possible.

They have been trading at local markets for a while now, as well as markets in London, building a strong a loyal customer base and a great reputation for high quality and customer satisfaction.

The shop is currently showcasing the following artists: Dandylion Jack who specializes in creating beautiful cards, prints and stationary inspired by the natural world and her home town of Bristol.  Pieces of Bristol, a local photographer producing prints, cards and coasters of the sites in and around Bristol.  Julia Shaw, a ceramicist who loves to explore the qualities of clay and produces one off pieces and  Softlad, who produces 3D art work inspired by his childhood spent by the sea. 

With the festive season getting closer, you might want to start thinking about what wonderful gifts your loved ones will be getting this year... and what better place than this amazing new addition to Bedminster.